Friday, March 18, 2016

Trailer for WVE8...Warning...Clowns!

A NEW fabulous trailer for Wonder Valley Experimental 8 from Wm. Almas. Dig it if you have a minute and can tolerate Clowns!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Phog masheeen Article in the OC Weekly....

I am well aware of the shameless self promotion of placing this here, however I am going to do it anyway. It is a fun read and a great pic. Enjoy it if you have time.

Thanks to Lisa Black for the Great article and to Shane Lopes for the photo!

Here is the link:


Friday, March 11, 2016

PAAJ added to Line-up, Fresh Flyer!

We are proud to add the esteemed Joshua Tree performance art ensemble PAAJ to our line-up.
We are into the countdown to the event. Make plans and attend this FREE event!