Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Too lazy to attend, no problem, here is the recording...

Too lazy to attend Wonder Valley Experimental 12, no problem, here is the recording... 

These are large files. You can only stream one hour. To watch it in all its glory, download and enjoy the beauty.

 Part 1: 

 Part 2:

Saturday, July 18, 2020

WVE 12 now a Zoom event, August 15, 2020 Starts at Noon!

Here is the line up for WVE 12. It will be a zoom event. We are starting at Noon for our European, and East Coast friends. Still Fun and Free! Come spend the afternoon with us!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Phog Masheeen returns to the OC Fair with 3 dates this year!

We are returning to the Visual Arts Building Stage for three nights.
Two Thursdays and a Sunday.
Thursday 7-23-2020 at 6PM, Thursday 7-30-2020 at 6PM and the last day of the fair, Sunday 8-16-2020, from 8:00 to 10:00. before our set the Johnsons will be playing. I am thinking that the last day of the fair sets will be extra interesting... mark the calendar!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

New Flyer for WVE12 with line up!

Here is our sweet flyer for WVE 12! Art by Joe Alvarez, Flyer by William Almas. It is a thing of beauty!